На літеру К
Idiom Translation Example
keep a low profile Старатись не привертати уваги, «триматись в тіні»
The workers quietly left our house keeping a low profile.
keep a straight face Стримувати сміх, зберігати незворушний вираз обличчя
Being around Diana and keep a straight face is really impossible. If she ever decides to become a comedian she will be the best.
keep one’s ear to the ground «Тримати руку на пульсі», відслідковувати інформацію
We must keep our ear to the ground. We’ll hear about weapon dealers.
keep one’s fingers crossed Побажати успіху, «тримати кулачки»
We will keep our fingers crossed so Bob will certainly pass his exam.
keep one’s nose to the grindstone Працювати без відпочинку
If he keeps his nose to the grindstone he will get the promotion.
keep one’s word Дотримати слово (обіцянку)
Anna said she would help me to fix my computer; I hope she will keep her word.
keep oneself to oneself Бути замкнутою особою, любити самотність, сторонитись від людей
Sonia keeps herself to herself. She has no friends and rarely goes out.
keep someone posted Тримати когось в курсі справ
Do us a favor please. Keep us posted about all the progress that is made on this info site.
keep something under wraps Тримати щось в таємниці
Why do husbands keep their private affairs under wraps?
keep something quiet Замовчувати, тримати щось в таємниці
He has a new computer, but keep it quiet because she haven’t told her sister.
Idiom Translation Example
keep a low profile Старатись не привертати уваги, «триматись в тіні»
The workers quietly left our house keeping a low profile.
keep a straight face Стримувати сміх, зберігати незворушний вираз обличчя
Being around Diana and keep a straight face is really impossible. If she ever decides to become a comedian she will be the best.
keep one’s ear to the ground «Тримати руку на пульсі», відслідковувати інформацію
We must keep our ear to the ground. We’ll hear about weapon dealers.
keep one’s fingers crossed Побажати успіху, «тримати кулачки»
We will keep our fingers crossed so Bob will certainly pass his exam.
keep one’s nose to the grindstone Працювати без відпочинку
If he keeps his nose to the grindstone he will get the promotion.
keep one’s word Дотримати слово (обіцянку)
Anna said she would help me to fix my computer; I hope she will keep her word.
keep oneself to oneself Бути замкнутою особою, любити самотність, сторонитись від людей
Sonia keeps herself to herself. She has no friends and rarely goes out.
keep someone posted Тримати когось в курсі справ
Do us a favor please. Keep us posted about all the progress that is made on this info site.
keep something under wraps Тримати щось в таємниці
Why do husbands keep their private affairs under wraps?
keep something quiet Замовчувати, тримати щось в таємниці
He has a new computer, but keep it quiet because she haven’t told her sister.
keep something under one’s hat Тримати щось в секреті
Dan kept the promise under the hat because he was very anxious not to be exposed.
keep something /somebody at bay Триматись на відстані, не допускати до себе Tommy is a loner type that keeps people at bay.
keep you on your toes Бути напоготові
The lecturer constantly kept me on my toes by saying that an unexpected test might happen to me in the nearest future.
kick a/the habit Покинути погану звичку
Angelina used to take drugs but she kicked the habit two years ago.
kill somebody with kindness «Залюбити до смерті»
His wife is killing him with kindness. She always wants to spend all time with him.
kill time «Вбити час», згаяти даремно час
Sara was killing time waiting for her friend, she was playing computer game.
kill two birds with one stone «Одним ударом вбити двох зайців»
If you can get petrol and have lunch at the gas station, you will kill two birds with one stone.
know something like the back of somebody’s hand «Знати, як свої п’ять пальців» We know Lviv like the back of our hand, we grew up here.
know the ropes Добре розбиратись, бути в курсі справи
It is always better to know the ropes than to start with zero experience.
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